Michael Mead – Revolutionary War Patriot

I have had a Patriot on my list for a couple of years now that I wasn’t able to find all the right proof for to satisfy the Daughters of the American Revolution proof standard. I knew he had to be the right person, but the right document was elusive and there were multiple peopleContinue reading “Michael Mead – Revolutionary War Patriot”

Ontario Research – Strawn and Wintermute

Cory has one branch on his tree that spent some time in Canada between the Revolutionary War and about 1840. The Strawn and Wintermute families are tied to Cory’s Great Grandmother Garnet Peron Seibert and would be her great grandparents which makes them Cory’s 4X Great Grandparents. I hadn’t been able to find much informationContinue reading “Ontario Research – Strawn and Wintermute”

Newly Approved! Revolutionary War Patriots

I am amazed at how many Revolutionary War Patriots I have been able to find once I started searching and using a wide variety of sources – plus knowing about the Daughters of the American Revolution database which identifies people who have already proven lineage and sometimes it takes very little effort to tie intoContinue reading “Newly Approved! Revolutionary War Patriots”

Memorial Day Weekend – Revolutionary War Patriots

I still have a few bios to put together that finish information on my 3X Great Grandparents, but as I just received news this week that I had four more Revolutionary War Patriots approved for a current total of 5 (with more in the works) this seemed like a good time to list some ofContinue reading “Memorial Day Weekend – Revolutionary War Patriots”

Moses and Aaron

For a long time this particular story has made me giggle and it came to mind again this week. My great grandmother Gladys Hagerdon’s branch of the tree ties into the Vawter family. Gladys’s parents were Luther Hagerdon and Lena Livermore, Lena’s parents were James Hagerdon and Louisiana Vawter. Louisiana’s father Edmund is a civilContinue reading “Moses and Aaron”